INTEGRA Accepts the Reviewers' Choice Life Sciences Company of the Year Award 2018
Jonathan Harkins, from INTEGRA Biosciences, talks about the importance of product reviews and customer feedback, and the impact of winning the SelectScience Reviewers’ Choice Award™ for Life Sciences Company of the Year 2018. This award is given in recognition of the quantity of positive feedback the company has received from scientists sharing their opinions on the SelectScience website over the past year.
Simply mount an INTEGRA VIAFLO or VOYAGER electronic pipette onto the ASSIST PLUS pipette holder, choose a pipetting protocol, put in your labware and tips and press the run button. ASSIST PLUS will then obtain the protocol via Bluetooth from the VIAFLO or VOYAGER electronic pipette and automatically execute the desired application.
Pipette adapter: works with all INTEGRA mulitchannel pipettes, including VOYAGER adjustable tip spacing pipette
User Interface: protocol setup and selection is done using the pipette’s intuitive user interface
Working Deck: three work positions are available to accommodate reagent reservoirs, tube racks and plates
Automatic tip change: two dedicated postions for automatic tip loading and tip ejection
ASSIST PLUS ensures:
precise tip positioning in wells
optimal tip immersion depths
consistent pipetting angle
controlled pipetting speeds
no pipetting mistakes
strict adherence to pipetting programs
These features eliminate human errors such as skipping rows or air aspiration and hence increase workflow consistency and improve pipetting results.
Product Overview